Nitro Agile Planning - Nitrowise

Let’s try the agile software planning to make the development predictable and feasible agilely!

Nitro Agile Planning

  • Would you like to implement your new product?
  • Or to optimise your work processes with new software?
  • Perhaps You are planning your IT budget for the coming year?

With the investment of approximately 2-3 experts monthly efforts*, You can find out exactly what’s waiting for you. With our Nitro Agile Planning (NAPTM) service You get:

storymap and the associated EPIC-level backlog: You can clearly see what kind of larger units make up your project and what realistic schedule is associated with it;

User stories of the first two sprints: the team will be able to start the development when you order it so You don’t have to pay for unnecessary inactivity;

A resource and cost estimation: based on your in-depth needs (as opposed to a one-page summary).

* the exact amount depends on the complexity of the product and the elaboration of the concept

What guarantees success?

Your competence! Since You will be involved in the definition and optimization of the business processes!

The complete plans accurately capture the vision and the soon-to be implemented processes however this is not a functional and technical requirement specification so the plans will be fine-tuneable during development based on the agile methodology.

Our experience so far: we have completed several successful projects using the NAP methodology where we have also done the implementation. During development we used feedback formulated during the retros by the team. This allows usto provide the most efficient and effective implementationof our processes.

In addition to our experienced product owners, our senior engineers are involved in the planning as well. This way we make sure that the technological and development aspects  and business processes are taken into account as much as possible during the planning phase.

Are You interested?

Please send us your details and we will contact you!

I would like to have a free consultation!

    seventeen − seventeen =


    1117 Budapest, Gábor Dénes street 4.

    +36 70 391 0320